The short film is a miniature cinema, a full-fledged film story but small in size, affordable sometimes even with a tight budget and troupe reduced to a minimum. It’s a form of audiovisual narration that can be done by focusing on a narrative idea even with limited resources, making them virtues. A smartphone, a GoPro or even an old video camera left in the attic can be enough, if the type of content fits the style required by the story.
Looking for the spark of the idea, developing the subject, writing the screenplay; organizing the casting, contacting friends and colleagues to create the troupe, doing location scouting; procuring costumes and accessories, kicking off the shooting; then the editing phase in which the story finally takes its form, thanks to the specially created soundtrack; and finally the color correction phase.
Each stage in making a film has its moments of exaltation and discouragement, in a continuous coming and going until the short is finished. After that, begins the phase of hope / expectation / disillusionment / exaltation in which the short film is presented to the public at festivals, on social networks and in general wherever there is a way to present it. And discovering that one of your shorts is able to communicate with an audience at the other end of the world is one of the most satisfying things I can imagine.